Carolina Breast Care Specialists, PA
Providing expert care and compassion

Expert clinical examination/evaluation
Risk assessment using multiple validated prediction models
Access to advanced genomic evaluation to provide additional individualized risk stratification
Genetic risk assessment, counseling, and testing with state of the art extended panel testing
Ongoing high risk screening/surveillance strategies & protocols
Sonocine´ automated whole breast ultrasound as an adjunct to mammography for women with overally increased mammographic density
Targeted handheld diagnostic ultrasound
Ultrasound guided minimally invasive core biopsy
Stereotactic guided minimally invasive core biopsy
Ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration of cysts, nodes, and other findings
Emphasis on breast conservation employing state of the art oncoplastic Hidden Scar techniques
Accurate staging utilizing sentinel node mapping/biopsy
Coordinated care with a multidisciplanary team of expert medical and radiation oncologists and plastic surgeons to provide expert comprehensive breast oncology care
Access to the latest generation SAVI accelerated partial breast irradiation
Placement of Biozorb implants for targeted radiation planning
Personalized supportive care throughout treatment and beyond
Ongoing post-treatment surveillance